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Our 3 favorite bedroom storage items you didn’t know you needed

Our 3 favorite bedroom storage items you didn’t know you needed

FACT: Bedroom storage is a necessity.
FICTION: Dressers solve all of your bedroom storage needs.
It’s true dressers are a go-to for safely storing clothes in the bedroom. Especially if you’re limited on closet space, it’s absolutely necessary to pick the best dresser for your space. But when it comes to storing all your other stuff, you’ve got plenty of options.
If you’re looking for something slightly less conventional and a little more versatile, we’ve got you covered with tips from the bedroom design pros.
Here are three top picks for nontraditional bedroom storage dilemmas.
1.     The All-in-One — a multipurpose storage credenza

For complete versatility, pick a storage credenza with a mix of doors, drawers and shelves. A storage piece that’s approved for bedroom use and has a height of around 36 inches makes it uber adaptable. Present use: a faux-bedroom dresser. Future use: a small entertainment stand in the living room.
EXPERT PICK: Eden Rue Credenza

Eden Rue Credenza bedroom storage
Photo styling credit: Jenni Radosevich, I Spy DIY

One door, three drawers and an open shelf give plenty of storage options, and the Spiced Mahogany finish brings together different woodgrains to tie the room together. Jenni recommends using it to store throw pillows or your gym bag, as a bedroom vanity with a mirror hung above it or as an entertainment credenza in the bedroom. 
Door and cubby storage in Eden Rue Credenza bedroom storage
Photo styling credit: Jenni Radosevich, I Spy DIY

Drawer storage in Eden Rue Credenza bedroom storage
Photo styling credit: Jenni Radosevich, I Spy DIY

Spiced Mahogany mixed woodgrain finishes of Eden Rue Credenza
Photo styling credit: Jenni Radosevich, I Spy DIY
2.     The Dapper Décor Master — a decorative display cabinet

Who says storage can’t be beautiful? Consider a decorative display cabinet for keeping all of your favorite things at arms’ reach in the bedroom. Don’t be intimidated by the glass doors; they’re perfect for showing off accessories or family photos.
EXPERT PICK: Shoal Creek Display Cabinet

Emerald Green Shoal Creek Display Cabinet for bedroom storage
Photo credit: Cassity Kmetzsch, Remodelaholic

Cassity loves the colorful glass-front cabinet with geometric cutouts for decorative storage and display. An adjustable shelf is perfect for books and baskets behind closed doors, and the top of the cabinet is an ideal height for showing off a jewelry tree, displaying artwork or setting a lamp.

Emerald Green Shoal Creek Display Cabinet with books and bed linens behind doors
Photo credit: Cassity Kmetzsch, Remodelaholic
3.     The Bedside Basic — a night stand with built-in storage

Don’t underestimate the value of a night stand with built-in storage. A deep drawer can stash reading material, bedtime necessities or even a small box of tissues for a clean, uncluttered look. Place a basket in the open storage shelf on the bottom of a night stand for miscellaneous odds and ends or to corral the throw pillows when it’s time to rest.
EXPERT PICK: International Lux Night Stand 

International Lux Night Stand with drawer and open storage
Photo credit: Nicole Balch, Making it Lovely

Perfect for people who tend to accumulate clutter (ahem, maybe Nicole?!?), the deep bottom drawer keeps the bedroom clean and organized, and the gorgeous brass hardware makes it a great complement to the International Lux Dresser or 5-Drawer Chest.

International Lux Night Stand with deep drawer storage
Photo credit: Nicole Balch, Making it Lovely
Photo credit: Cassity Kmetzsch, Remodelaholic

Cassity loves this Swiss army knife of night stands. It’s got a drawer for the essentials, slide-out shelf to set a cup of coffee and open storage for a large basket. 

Barrister Lane Night Stand with drawer and shelf storage
Photo credit: Cassity Kmetzsch, Remodelaholic
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